About Us
MediaServices GmbH is a group of senior professionals within the media industry. The company delivers consulting and tools for this market.
We are currently specialized in:
- Audio
- Video
- Content Management
- Augmented Reality
- Ambient Assisted Living
- Audiovisual analysis systems (AudioInspector, Video Defect Quality Analysis)
- Software Development
AudioInspector and our other tools are developed in cooperation with leading research institutions and business partners. We are very proud of AudioInspector and excited about the possibilities Video Defect Quality Analysis offers to the archival community.

Paul Leitner, the founder of MediaServices GmbH, has more than 30 years of background working for major international companies in the media market.
At the start of his career he worked as a mastering engineer and has done countless high-end A/D transfers and quality inspections of audio and video recordings.
He built up the Sony DVD Center Europe, one of Europe’s leading Authoring and Post Production facilities also working in content restoration.
Paul Leitner was part of the IFPI working group for the specification of automated archive systems in 1994. He built content management and workflow infrastructures and started to develop solutions for automated quality inspection on audio files in 1995.
He teaches Archives & Content Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg.
The universities and research institutions involved in the development of AudioInspector have leading experience in automated quality control for audiovisual signals, in the simulation of human decision-making and in machine learning.
In total some fifteen people have been working on AudioInspector and have given their very best.
Thank you very much to everyone who has made this happen!